Originally worshipped in ancient Greece, her cult was very popular with numerous shrines and temples. The romans adopted her as their goddess Venus, which is also the planet connected with her. The ancient stories featuring her tend to reflect her role in love between the gods, humans, and gods and humans. Her beauty and prevalence in these stories have inspired some of the greatest works of art and literature.

Aphrodite has inspired me a lot in the last few months. The more I got to know her and what she stands for, the more I got to call her into my process when I create, love and am guided by my senses. For someone who had previously never been religious or believing in any divinity whatsoever, getting to know about the ancient greek gods and goddesses so tightly connected to my own roots has been a very grounding experience. It got me more and more curious about how my ancestors would call and worship a certain deity with a purpose, and how this deity could help them.

Through my research I found that Aphrodite represents that ultimate flow state that is attained when you surrender yourself to love, to creativity, and when you see the beauty in all things. Aphrodite is acceptant, loving and she gives us permission to lose ourselves into an ecstatic state of mind. Which is why she is also very connected to Euphoria.


Learning to channel this specific ancient greek goddess has been one of the most heart opening experiences ever for me. I think that because of her, “surrender” has also become one of my favourite words. To let Aphrodite in, you definitely need to surrender. Think about it as letting go of your ego, letting go of your fears, stop being so focused on the outcome for a moment. Just giving in, giving yourself permission to experience pleasure and divine creativity. She is like that gate opener for that whole world that you can explore with your heart …and with your senses.

I’ve felt unpresent and unloving of myself, but Aphrodite has taught me to love myself and give myself permission to experience things fully. To engage all of my senses and my heart as I practice rituals that fuel my creativity and love. She is with me when I walk in nature and feel an urge to smell every leaf, to touch every tree, to remove my shoes and walk barefoot, to feel tingles as my feet are planted on the earth, to be in ecstasy as I combine these pleasures with others such as feeling the warm sun on my skin, or feeling fertile with a creative idea that I want to devote myself into. I give myself permission to let my mind wander, and when I get to work on that idea she allows me to explore it fully.

Aphrodite stops me from being judgemental of myself, because she sees the beauty in all things. Any spill, any crooked line, any awkward pause, any flaw in any form of art - Aphrodite appreciates and loves fully. She taught me that there’s no right or wrong in creative expression as long as we’re led by our heart. I’ve sometimes felt blocked creatively, mostly because of self doubt. But Aphrodite has taught me to unlock that potential and to give, give, give …without second thoughts. Just the same way one would want to surrender themselves in love.


Channelling Aphrodite can be a powerful way to connect to that universal source of love & creativity.

I recommend thinking about where you want to bring her in (in love, in your creative practice) and really set an intention. For example “feeling creatively free” or “connecting to my intuition”. That intention should be something that guides you.

Make time and make room for that intention to unfold. Create that space for yourself without holding back, because self love is the first way to let Aphrodite in. Create a loving ritual for yourself, take yourself out on a romantic date. A gentle walk in nature. Collecting flowers. Diffusing aromatic oils in your home. Taking a warm sensual bath. Closing yourself up into your creative nook, which you’ve filled with candles. Whatever inspires you and fits with your intention. No need to be apologetic. Self love is acknowledging what you need to flourish, so that you can fill your cup and do good in the world.

Now settle in. Start with contemplation. What if, for a moment, there was just you, your heart and your senses? What if you would look around and see beauty in every single thing, including yourself? To want to touch it, to know it, to want to almost integrate it into your creative practice, to feel its very vibration within your heart?

Let yourself surrender and lose yourself into the possibilities. See how everything will start to open up. There’s love, beauty and abundance in everything. You are allowed to feel pleasure, ecstasy while you interact with these senses, these thoughts, these emotions - there’s no shame. Open your heart. Let it all in. Take your time. You have her permission.

Take this loving energy and pour it all into your creative project, your journey, your relationships. Think about how much more beauty and love you can attract in your life. It’s all yours for the taking. Let it be your way to connect to your divine existence.



