Since the beginning of this year, all I have been hearing from deep within has been the word “Intimacy”. There is no doubt that this comes from a personal longing and desire for more of it, but I also believe that I am not alone in experiencing this longing. It is what our whole collective needs right now. We are looking for this medicine, to heal from the isolation we have been feeling since the pandemic has happened. To fill those gaps where we may have felt separated from the whole.

It is natural for us to be curious about what resides outside ourselves. It is healthy for us to seek a sense of closeness, of connection. The only issue is that we have kind of forgotten how. The way this world works, we are told that to “know” something is to absorb information about it. Usually this is what we resort to, when we become curious about something. We look it up. We gather information, from different sources, to synthesize some kind of image. When this image begins to feel complete, we feel we know things. And yet, a huge part of it seems to be missing, that we just can’t seem to find any information about, because that part comes with embodied experience and relationship.

Relationship means we acknowledge that there is an “other”. But instead of externalizing that plant, that land, that place, that animal or that person, we allow them to be a part of US. We seek to know them through our own Selves, and through our own experience of them. Through our own bodily sensations, through our intuition, through layers invisible and unexpected.


Things begin to happen in that field of energy is created between us and that “other”: clues, languages, synchronicities, opportunities. What we seek, is seeking us.

That is what communion is all about. That is when we reach another layer of intimacy with the world around us. If we are keen to understand this and put it into practice, we are opening ourselves up to a whole other way of experiencing the web of interconnectedness with everything.

The word intimacy makes me think of relationships I cherish in my life. It makes me think of some humans, but also some plants and symbols whose presences have been woven in my field without even trying. For me a few of these are the Earth, the Pomegranate, the Rose, the Nettle… It’s funny. I do not actually know much technical information about these things (Beings) nor could I write a thesis on them. But my body, my spirit and my Heart knows them quite well. I have been in their presence a lot. I have created with them. We have exchanged a lot together.

I begin to feel like this is what I am looking for in my human relationships as well. I am not so interested in knowing information about someone, or their past. I seek to just be in their presence. Sometimes not even talk at all, just to be together. Being two open vessels, ready to receive each other. In the word “Communion” there is the word “Union”: to become One.


There is a lot to say about this topic. I feel that a lot more will unfold. Let’s take it slowly, digesting reflection by reflection… Giving ourselves time to also put these ways into practice. That said, I do have a couple of prompts that can be quite activating and insightful for you to journal with, if you feel called.


01. What & Who in your life do you first think about when thinking about the word “Intimacy”?

02. In which relationships or which parts of your life/surroundings do you wish to cultivate more intimacy?

02. What is your way of communing with the Plants, the Land and other Beings?


I invite you to take your time to journey with these questions.
Please take a moment to really dive in and see what comes up for you.

When you feel complete, feel free to hop to the next section, just for some extra inspiration. I have asked the third question to a few women I admire, who embody that path of communion in their work.




what is your way of communing with the plants, the land, and other beings?

“It is in the way of the heart - where all boundaries + facades dissolve and you meet + feel each other here in a heartfelt connection of remembrance”

Adrienne ⦿ Meraki Nomad


My way of communing with the land & the more than human world happens through slowing down and immersing myself deeply in sensation. Sensing air, sensing earth, soaking in the sounds, colours, textures & haptics of nature. Becoming still and listening from the heart. It's not about doing anything. It's about being, sensing & remembering.

Janina ⦿ The Wild Core


Somewhere between day and night, sunrise and sunset, a moment and all of time. Always rooted in intention yet spontaneously synchronistic — almost like a surprise I knew was coming. I speak my prayer and they answer the call in whatever form they wish for me to hear it. And I fall to my knees and bow, grateful to be alive and never tired of their reminders of everyday magic.

Laurie ⦿ La Magdalene



May this inspire & nourish you. If you feel called to share your answers to these questions, please leave a comment down below! I am so looking forward to read your thoughts.


