In this time in the yearly cycle, the true nature of our being is called to slow down and retreat. That’s not always easy to do, but accessing that part of us that is more hidden and internal offers us that way of experiencing things that are more subtle, and accessing our intuition while we’re at it.

One of my favourite ways to make this shift is to connect to archetypes, particularly the one of the Priestess, which I feel is so fitting for this time. The Priestess is such a magical being to be found within. I like to think of the Priestess as the calm center inside of us that is unshaken by the craziness of the external world and people’s judgments. The Priestess is that sovereign Self that allows us to See. She is there to help us shift from without to within, and access our own divinity without fear.

Do you struggle to really hear your own voice? Do you doubt yourself?

Your inner Priestess will guide and will remind you that your intuition is your superpower.

Rather than writing a detailed list of ways to connect to Her, I felt called to paint a metaphorical picture for you. I wanted to describe her to you as a friend, as a person, as someone you know. Because you do. She might feel like You in the most obvious way, or she might feel like a shy little flicker of your Being.
Either way, I would like you to meet Her.

A few notes before we dive into it.
A. This is an archetype that I believe is also accessible to men as the Magician.
B. I really recommend listening to my Sounds of the Goddess spotify playlist while reading this one.
Let the ancient frequency of these sounds pull you into your own inner temple.
C. If you feel called to listen rather than read - feel free to press play on the audio recording at the top of the written piece. I have recorded myself reading these words out loud for you to absorb and enjoy.


Meeting a Priestess is an unforgettable event.

She is a person who stills you with her incredibly grounded presence and her air of mystery. Some people call her a witch. Some people call her an artist. Some think she is full of secrets, which could indeed be very true.

The Priestess might appear once in a blue moon, and then become hard to reach. She isn’t too concerned about showing up in the way that we expect her to, or engaging with the never ending drama that we collectively perceive as reality. She has had enough of being told where to put her attention and where to give away her life force energy. She refuses to take part because she has other more important plans.

The Priestess is busy making space. She is busy shifting between dimensions, dancing between the mundane and the divine.

You’ll find her at her home, at her sanctuary, at her temple - sometimes in desolate, solitary places - doing seemingly simple things but with an air of sacredness in her every interaction. It is here that she meets with God, Goddess, Source.

She meets God between the baking of the bread, the burning of the incense, the oiling of her hair. In the warm nakedness of her body when she bathes. In her heartbeat when she dances. In her powerful oscillations of her voice when she sings. In the way she caresses the trees as she walks by them and as they sing their own language to her.

The Priestess knows her body is a sacred vessel. She loves bleeding with every moon cycle. It is in the darkness of her womb that she finds fertile ground to become empty of herself. To channel the voice of the Great Mother. To dream a dream of a reality that resides beyond space and time.

Her hips are well nourished, unapologetically. Her hair is long with silver strands of wisdom. She smells like the resin of ancient trees. He feels both young as a flower and as old as time itself. She has been here many times before.

She owns her connection to the divine and doesn’t feel the need to explain it to anybody.

Few people really understand her. Those who do are those ready to receive her magic. Her soul knows no labels, therefore she doesn’t use any to describe herself. She knows she is as multi-dimensional as Love is, and cannot be contained in a box or a construct.

The Priestess knows her Heart is a portal to alchemy. When she connects to her Heart, the whole world can feel it. It is here, in the warm core of her vessel that she brings together the Milk and the Honey. It is here that she creates a bridge between the Earth and the Heavens. It is here that she merges her feminine and masculine energies together as one.

She takes her seeking soul on journeys between many sacred portals of creation. Sometimes following a strong call, sometimes picking up on little threads of curiosity. “Let’s see where this will lead” she says.

She surrenders and follows the way in, even when she doesn’t know where it’ll lead her. Picking up the threads in the labyrinth of life. Over time, those threads become a tapestry, like the work of a master weaver.

The Priestess knows she is not alone. She has done it all before.

There have been other awakened beings who paved the path before her. They wove those threads together. Some of them she knows like the back of her hand. Others appear in her dreams, in her songs and in her prayers. Sometimes they come through her as she creates art. As she writes, as she expresses from her soul. The Priestess retreats often, because she needs to be able to hear them. She needs to call them into her field so that she can channel all that’s holy.

The Priestess loves and heals with her energy.

Yet she is very selective about who she calls into her field. She understands frequencies and knows how to respond to them, or is exploring how to. She knows her boundaries and what feels right. She knows her space is sacred and that her frequency is meant to attract specific beings, without forcing. When she attracts a brother, sister or soulmate in her life, it is because they have great Work to do together. It is because they are here to teach their wisdom and hold space for each other’s evolution.

Let’s come together and be each other’s mirror.
Show me your Spirit and I’ll show you mine.
Let me build an altar on your Heart.
I will let you build a fire in mine.

Let us become witnesses to the Light in each other.


