I invite you to close your eyes and experiment with this little exercise.

What comes into your awareness, when you imagine rain? 

Do you hear the sound of it? Is it soft or complex? Do you feel the wetness? Do you smell its scent? Do you see dark winter skies or tropical forests?


The Rain has a very sensual cleansing presence.
A bold one even when she pours softly

I like to imagine how the Earth and the plants must feel, when the rain comes - especially after a very active and hot summer. There has been so much activity, so much pressure to grow, so much energy pulled upwards. The plants have been straining and straining, pushing and pushing, soaking up all the energy they possibly can, to keep going. Absorbing all of the sun’s energy. Pulling water with so much effort, from deep within in the soil.

And then something changes. A gift of abundant water arrives from the heavens. The earth soaks it all in. The plants drink it all up. And all of this water makes its way into the lives of all living things, becoming our sustenance. 


The rain appears unexpectedly, just as we might have been making other plans, in the momentum of our active existence. “It is time to pause”, she says.

“It is time to receive. You have too many expectations, too many things on your mind, too many burdens on your shoulders. I need to cleanse you, right here, right now. Let me give you the Water you need”

And so we are invited to let go. To surrender and retreat in introspection.
To allow ourselves to receive and drink this nourishing water with our souls.


Symbolism of Rain

The rain has held strong symbolism and meaning since the beginning of life on our planet.

Rain is one of the most important components of the water cycles within & without. It was seen by many ancient civilisations as a manifestation of God, an omen of renewal after a period of intensity, of cleansing the soil (and the soul) in the process of bringing it back to life. The tears of the sky Gods that pour on the Earth are purposeful - they serve as nourishment and carry the deep wisdom of cyclicality. The rain was worshipped and rituals were performed, to bring these life giving waters to Earth and replenish all of life.

In the bible and in the famous story of Noah and the ark, the rain is seen as God’s way to destroy the sins of this world and bring a wave of change. The rain and the flood has been very common throughout many stories and mythology across different cultures as both a destructive and replenishing force.

In movies, the rain is often a symbol for sadness and difficulties, appearing when things are about to take a negative turn, or when they don’t come out as expected. We might associate rain to a “loss of joy”, as it can feel gloomy and oppressive. When the rain comes, we have to cancel our plans. Our modern culture values the sunny days, and we are conditioned to put our energy outwards in a linear way, to get more and more out of life.

For some of us, the rain can feel daunting, and for others, it can feel like a relief: a permission to retreat and to go within. Either way, the rain calls us to surrender and to let go. To move within these deeper waters and transcend the ego’s way, even if it feels uncomfortable.

Whenever the rain falls, we are given the opportunity to see what wants to be seen.
What medicine wants to be given to us through these waters?



During the Fall or the rainier seasons of the year, take a moment to be with the rain and to interact with these waters. It is much easier to retreat indoors when the rain comes (and very comforting) but it is also a special experience just to physically “give yourself” to the rain. If it’s not too cold where you live, try to let yourself be washed by the rain, to get soaking wet. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but you will eventually hit a point where you feel at ONENESS with the rain. A moment of ecstasy, sensuality, of letting go. In this moment you might want to stay still, lay down, or even begin to dance. Feel into that and allow yourself to receive for a few moments. View this ritual as a powerful form of cleansing. Retreat indoors and warm up your body afterwards, journaling about this experience and what you released.



When it is time to soften and to let go, give yourself the gift of listening to this Rain Meditation.



01. What personal memories do you have of rain? What do you associate the rain to?
02. What is instinctual to you, and what do you do when the rain comes?
03. If the rain was a person, what would she feel like to you? Would you like to know her better?


