Can you feel the earth stirring from within, as we are entering this lighter season? Can you sense the drive with which young seeds emerge from the dark soil? The lightness of the cool crisp air gently caressing us all, like a soft, god-like breath of renewal? 

There is no doubt that Spring brings a quality of newness and rebirth. And this season brings us an incredible opportunity to connect to our own youth, regardless of how old we are. Every Spring, we get to enjoy that yet a new cycle has been gifted to us. An opportunity to dream our world anew.

So let’s talk about dreams. Dreaming is something that all of young, creative life is very fond of. Sensitive human beings especially, are professional dreamers. I remember wandering in my imagination very often when I was a kid. It was my favorite, safest place. A vibrant realm in which I could see myself speaking to animals, where beautiful houses existed, where I could make up stories and where I would often feel suspended in space, just floating between thoughts. What about you?

Were you daydreaming a lot when you were a child? If so, where did you go with your mind? What worlds did you create? Do you still allow yourself to wander in those places of your imagination?

I, like many kids was judged for being too dreamy. It is the main thing that was written in my school report cards when I wasn’t being a “good student”. Our world works this way: the quality of dreaming is repressed and pushed aside as we grow into adulthood, programmed to function in the world in a very objective way. Dreaming is seen as a waste of time. Yet, so many indigenous cultures around the world are rooted in the practice of dreaming. For the aborigines, the whole world has been created through a collective dreamtime. It makes sense: thought creates form, and dreaming is how we can create new things. And it is not just us who are involved in this creative process, of course.

Earth dreamed us all into being, so that we can dream ourselves into life. Seeds dream themselves into the plants they want to grow as. Forests are created as a collective dream of many seeds that wish to become trees. Harmony is created through dreaming. The creation of heaven on Earth begins in the dreaming process. Why does Winter exist, taking us inwards into the womb of Earth? It is so we can go into her dreaming cave, to let the old parts of us die - to emerge as a young dreamer, reborn and free of attachments.

The young dreamer allows themselves to be naive, if you will. But what I prefer to say is that the dreamer is an optimist. The dreamer does not worry about whether or not their dreams are realistic. The dream itself is what creates the drive. In Spring we can feel this drive pulsing into the core of all plants who become born and reborn, piercing through the soil. They push through matter, dreaming to reach the skies. Of course, not all will succeed. But the ecstatic aliveness that we can feel in this season happens because of all the seeds who have dared to dream.

Can we allow ourselves to dream again, like we did, as children? Can we allow ourselves to venture beneath the objective surface of things, to dream other realities? What if this was a powerful way to actually create positive change, both in our individual lives and the fabric of our collective?

The child in us is that dreamer. The child in us is our essence before our mind was conditioned not to take risks. The child in us recognizes that everything is alive and everything is Spirit. That everything dreams and everything feels, like we do.


Adults are nothing but children - with more experience.
How can experience EXPAND our reality rather than hinder it?

As grown-up children, our experience actually allows us to question what is “real” and what is “reality”. We can question our assumptions and what we think we know. We can question who or what makes it all up. We can release what contracts us, what feels conditional rather than boundless, and what does not allows the freedom to dream. Scarcity mentalities and narratives that keep telling us “the world is messed up, there is nothing we can do about it” are absolutely counter-productive to this process. We must accept the way things are and understand there are higher forces at play. Simultaneously though, we must tune into the higher force that resides within us, and allow ourselves to dream. We were gifted this life, this chance to take part in this big festival of aliveness. To participate by dreaming in our own way.


What does Heaven on Earth look like for you, both on an individual level and a collective level? What are the first things that come up for you when you imagine your version of Heaven on Earth?

If we dream of more flowers, there shall be more flowers.
If we dream of more kindness, there shall be more kindness. We will feel that kindness within and want to share it. Then we will notice that there is more kindness all around us.
If we dream of a clearer future, so it shall be.

Dreaming is a form of prayer. And while it is important not to be attached to things, outcomes, situations - it is even more crucial to dream.

Do you dare to dream?


