The earth awakens from a deep winter slumber. Slowly she moves her limbs and brings her energy upwards and out into the visible world. Gifting us with glimpses of vernal poetry, budding new life and erotic rebirth.

Spring is here, offering us an opportunity to start anew. To become, once more. What will we create and what will we dream in the light of these brighter days? What inner seeds will come to emerge as the sun begins to fertilize our Being?

This time of the year is both gentle and enlivening. The Spring brings with it a masculine yang energy that drives the energy upwards, to take action, to awaken and come out of density.

The trees that slept through the Winter, storing their energy into their roots, now visibly drive it up through their limbs where new buds appear. Showing us the potential of new branches, new leaves, new flowers and new fruits to come. The tiniest seeds that lay dormant in the heavy soil now emerge and peek through, taking a good look at the upper world with a sense of vulnerability. Patches of flowers appear like miracles. We are gifted with beauty and potential. The birds sing songs of enlightenment. The bees and butterflies emerge from the deepest silence into a rhythmic humming. It is time to build, to create. It is time to play and to dance with one another.

Winter called us to journey inwards to our deepest caves. Winter initiated us, by asking us to die, to process, to compost layers that needed to be given back to Earth. In this depth, we met our essence, the very core of our soul and gained the knowing of potential, a dream of what is to come. When we were ready to come out of this initiation, Spring brought the light in our cave, calling us to come out and experience the world anew.

Parts of us died, but we are still of that same essence. Now is the time to live through a whole new layer of Being. Once more, we can allow ourselves to see it all through the eyes of a beginner.

The Spring is a chance to be naive, to try things again, starting from square one. To believe and to bask in the optimistic energy of potential. No assumptions. No attachments. Just being daring enough to try, like a young seed emerging from the Earth, taking that risk on its way to fullness.

We are not there yet, but we are taking steps and that is what matters. Now is a time to manifest things that will be a gift to us and to the world we live in.



The Spring reflected in the Elements, the cycles of Moon & Day and in the feminine archetypes.



Complement: Water

The Spring is ruled by the Element of Air, bringing with it the breath of change and new beginnings.

Air is an Element of movement, calling all of Nature to re-awaken and come out of inertia. Air invites us to get out of the heaviness of Winter, and to bring our energy upwards again. To take one giant breath in that will enliven all of our cells and create space in our Being.

As the breeze of Air caresses the Earth, she opens her eyes again. Trees awaken from their winter sleep with new buds and flowers, calling kindred beings to get to work and participate in a beautiful symphony. The Air is fertile, as the birds and the breezes is how new seeds are carried and scattered on the land. Those that laid dormant are making their way up, pushing through layers of heavy soil with eagerness to take their breath, to emerge and see the world from above the ground.

Air is an Element that is light and detached. Contrarily to Earth, it does not look for grounding and physicality. It thrives above ground, in the realms of sky and the weightless spaces through which new ideas can travel.


Waxing Moon

Air (and Spring) energy is present in the waxing moon.

She is the maiden of the moon cycle, a young moon emerging from the darkness, marking the beginning of a new cycle. Growing bigger and bigger everyday, she shows us that life is full of possibilities. During this time, we too can tap into this budding creative energy. We are offered a sense of expanded curiosity paired with a greater ability to think and communicate clearly and with less fear. Just as the season of Spring, the waxing moon offers us a great opportunity to experiment with new routines and implement new ideas.



The morning arrives when the first sun beams grace the land we live in, entering our spaces, our bodies, our beings.

Every morning the sun re-appears and we are given an opportunity to begin anew. To take another breath. To open our eyes and witness it all again, yet with a different perspective.

There is a very gentle energy to these hours of the day, especially when we take time to feel into the transition that it offers us from the realm of dreaming to the realm of sensing.

The morning is a poetry of a light that casts soft shadows, of birdsongs that feel no different than lullabies, only reversed. Of experiencing in a way that is not yet fully engaged and fully ripened. Of being somewhere between a dream and reality. It is up to us to tune in, to sense it all, and to feel into how we are most called to spend this new day we are given. In the morning, we plant the seeds and water them. The morning is our intention.


The Child

The Maiden
Connected theme: Birth.

The Spring calls us to connect with our inner child, or the child Self. Now that the winter is over and that composting has taken place, we are given this opportunity to be born again. To see the world through a beginner’s eye. A child does not overanalyze or make assumptions about anything - a child simply accepts what is and explores it with a sense of wonder.

This purity of Being and Heart creates space for new ideas and opportunities for growth. Whatever has felt impossible, unattainable, unjustified to our conditioned adult mind - is simply a fresh and exciting invitation for our inner child to help us create some movement there. The child explores it all with innocent lightness. After all, life is a playground.

Connected to the child is the archetype of the maiden. The maiden is a young woman in her formative years. She displays a youthful vitality and an experimental, adventurous nature. She is instinctive to how she sees the world, eager to learn and discover what the world has to offer her. She is eager to connect, to surround herself with those who will show her the Way.

Who were you when you were a child, and when you were a maiden?


Heart Chakra

The Spring rules our Heart chakra and that of the Earth herself.

The Heart Chakra is the alchemical center between body & spirit, earth & heaven. From here, everything can expand.

The Heart chakra shows us the ways of unconditional love, connection to Nature, compassion, kindness, generosity and joy. This powerful energy center opens us up to all experiences in life while teaching us self-acceptance and assuring us that we are loved. When we feel loved, we can be a source of Love.






Spring is the season of starting anew. In order to let new energy come into our lives however, we need to be sure we have created space to receive it. Look around you. Is there anything that you are still holding onto, that you could let go or give away? What about within, are there still any emotional fragments or attachments that could be swept away?

Tune into the cleansing energy of this season to give yourself a big cleanse within and without. Imagine you are making yourself and your life into a blank canvas.


When you are ready, start feeling into what you wish to call in.
What seeds are you planting in this cycle? Can you sense into what you are becoming? What are you manifesting in your life this year and what is already forming from these seeds?

Now is a wonderful time to create vision boards and map out visions, ideas, projects that are about to be birthed. Taking them from the dark stillness of Winter to the fertile spirit of Spring, by making them visible to us. A note: connect to the energy of Air and let go of attachment to outcomes. The idea is to plant seeds but to trust that what is right will emerge in due timing, in its due form. Allowing the Universe to co-create with you and surprise you.


The lightness of Spring speaks to our inner child. Can you feel that drive to emerge from stillness, and see your world as a playground? Now is a time to give yourself permission to play. To play with life, to do things that might seem silly or pointless, to follow your curiosity just to see what happens and where it’ll lead you. Play expands our horizons and our way of interacting (and experiencing) this world.

Play can mean wearing an outfit in a different way. Putting flowers in your hair just to notice how different you feel or how people see you. Singing a song from your balcony to serenade your neighbours. Collecting one object from nature everyday to make a mandala. Cooking something colorful and inviting someone you don’t know (yet). Tune into your child and your inner fool… Experiment with the boundaries between you and nature. You and others. You and the world.

What are you curious about? In what ways do you wish to play more?


It is not just us that are playful during this time: Nature, Cosmos and Spirit are too.
Synchronicities are Spirit’s way to play with us and give us clues. So during this season, as you shift into the lighter realms of experiencing, make it your intention to notice how Spirit speaks to you. How life, nature and your surroundings are speaking to you.

Nothing is a coincidence. Synchronicities happen year around if we pay attention. However, what is great about this season is that the Element of Air and its detached nature assist us in following them without overprocessing and trying to make “sense” of things. We can move through synchronicities with the lightness of Air, just for the fun of seeing where they lead.


Spring is a season of abundant beauty. The flowers, the birds and the bees all speak this erotic language of the senses, calling us to Union through poetry. We ourselves can call this energy into our lives by interacting with this beauty and bringing it into our spaces. It is a wonderful season to co-create with Nature and make flower arrangements, simple bouquets, ikebana installations and sensorial creations that bring the energy of Spring into our homes and into our beings.

Do not hesitate to share your Spring creations and treasures with your loved ones. We all need the gift of beauty in our lives, to remember how precious they are. Make some offerings back to Nature as well. Offer your favourite place a little altar of beautiful treasures.


Spring’s youthful, refreshing energy calls us to question things and look at it all from a wider perspective. What is reality, or what are we told is reality? How are we conditioned to see the world? What is real? What right and wrong? What is Love? What is Unity? What do we want in this life?

This time offers is a wonderful invitation to look at it all from afar, with a sense of detachment.
The freedom we have been longing for is right here and now if we can free ourselves from programming that no longer serves us.

With that sense of inner space, anything is possible. We can allow ourselves to be naive, optimistic, even utopian. The dreamer in us has a purpose of their own: to create Heaven on Earth.

What does your Heaven on Earth look like?


