The Spring as we know it is a time of blossoming. What once seemed desolate, void of life, lacking vitality - is now revealing itself covered in flowers.

Over here I have watched the dry stalks of the almond trees transform into an abundance of honeyed white blossoms. The ground, going from brown to green to dotted with wildflowers of all colors: the purple anemones, yellow dandelions, red poppies. Even the rocky path that I walk on around my village (which seems to be made of nothing else but rock) is covered in tiny crocuses shaped like stars.

My body knows they emerged from below, but my soul senses they might as well have fallen from the sky.

There is something very cosmic about flowers. Just when we are going on about our lives, preoccupied with all the denser matters or worrying about the future - a flower (or a flowering tree) may stop us in our tracks with its beauty. Suddenly everything might slow down to this eternal moment, just contemplating the beingness of this flower.

Everywhere around the world, flowers are worshipped symbolically and rich in spiritual meaning. They represent hope, joy, pleasure. They are a miraculous gift of the lighter realms that is given to us after we traverse the darkness of Winter. As the mirrors that they are, they are letting us know that we too, are a living miracle.

“Apart from the colour, fragrance, beauty of form and texture of a flower, there is something more - an aspiration, an emanation, an aspect, a psychic giving, wordless prayers of Nature and a progress in the evolution of the Earth. All these attributes together form the spiritual significance of a flower. A conscious and intimate relationship with flowers can give an experience of communion with the Divine and awakens the true consciousness in us.”

The Mother | Sri Aurobindo Ashram, India


Have you ever felt a certain connection or kinship to a particular flower? If so, what did it bring up for you?

I will never forget when I first started to really notice the Roses flowering around my house. Or rather, how they came to speak to me. It had been a few years that the rose bushes had been there but I had not been paying attention. One year I started going a bit deeper in my rituals and created an altar. At the time, I was journeying with my dear guide Carlotta Mastrojanni. She asked us to put a rose in our sacred space and suddenly it dawned on me: I have an endless supply of roses right here. I went to find them and I couldn’t stop marveling at their beauty. To smell their sweet scent. To want to rub them all over my face and body, to place a rose on my heart and hold it dearly. This flower then led me to open doorways within myself I didn’t even know existed. To heal my connection to the divine feminine, to strengthen the bond with my Mother (both my biological mother and the Great Mother of creation). To activate that force within me.

The Rose has been guiding me these past few years so strongly, and has brought me to connect with so many women and beings who have needed her medicine too. It is not a coincidence. Flower magic is of the moment potent ones we can experience.

The flowers are extremely intelligent and energetic beings. They have the power to speak to us from a broad range of frequency and to show us pathways to higher dimensions. If we surrender to their calling or follow their invitations, they will reveal to us their true essence. That essence is a mirror, because it is something that we too, hold within. It’s a part of us that the flower will help us recover and rise through.

There is are no pure coincidences in the language of flowers. There is a reason why a certain patch of flowers appears where it has not appeared before. There is a reason why a flower bush may thrive near your house more than others ever have. There is a reason why a flower appears on your path over and over again, as if it is playing games with you. There is a reason why a flowering tree or flower will stop you in your tracks, giving you goosebumps from head to toe or bringing tears to your eyes.

The first step is to soften so that we can receive. The language of flowers is subtle: it is easy to ignore at first, but after a while, it will be like a voice you simply cannot shut down. Softening also means going back to your child-like nature. Perhaps you were speaking to flowers when you were a child - as many children do. Whether or not that is the case, try to put it back into practice. Experiment with speaking to the flowers, even if it seems silly… And notice what happens over time. A relationship will form.

Nurture that mindful connection with one flower and allow yourself to create with it. Bring the flower into your daily rituals and meditations, even just to look at. Have it nearby your space. If it’s edible, why not enjoy her as a tea. If it feels in alignment, you can make a healing essence of this flower. Over time, the flower will help you change your own energetic patterns and possibly help you unearth parts of yourself you couldn’t access before. Stay present with it all. Allow yourself to receive the medicine of this flowering being.

May the flowers help you find the blooming center of your soul.

“Life must blossom like a flower, offering itself to the Divine”


