Oh, dear ones. You cannot even imagine how thrilled I am to share this meditation with you.
It’s been a long time coming.

This is a very special meditation - and a very different one. I have been drawing caves and Earth vortexes intuitively for the past two years, feeling very connected to them. This year I felt like I was going to work with the Cave in another way, with subtle hints here and there. Then from the moment the late Fall started to come and the darkness started to creep in, I felt the Cave wanting to be our symbol for the Winter. So I listened, and during our last Winter Solstice ceremony, I led a meditation guided by the Cave, which felt, to me and to others, unlike anything else. Caves… where do I even begin. They are places of profound density.

Caves hold such a powerful meaning and presence, as they have represented that sacred space of retreat since the beginning of time. They have long been associated with womb consciousness, as they are the wombs of Earth herself. They were used as temples, as holy places of offering, where introspection and deep inner transformation could take place. Returning to Earth’s womb means returning to our center, returning to Source. To the dark inner part of the sacred labyrinth.

The Cave is also a place that resides inside of us. I like to think of it as the deepest, most intimate place, which holds our secrets, our trauma, our pain, our magic. Our modern way of living doesn’t particularly encourage us to go to this place at all. It is scary and dark, but if one dares to go there often enough, they will not just transform themselves, but also their ties to others, to our ancestors, to the Greater Whole. It is, more than anything, a place of HEALING. Begging us to FEEL. To notice. To acknowledge. To re-claim.

I feel very strongly that the way to make ourselves feel comfortable with going to such a place (and to want to stay there) is to work with the Elemental energy of Fire, of Heat. Not only is the fire what is needed for alchemy and transformation, but it is also a comforting presence: caves can feel cold and uninviting otherwise. The Fire brings us to be present, directly reminding us of how our farthest ancestors would light big fires inside caves, that we know and can still connect to from deep within our bones, thousands of years later, remembering… The Cave and the Fire take us on a trip down to the center of the Earth and down to the primordial beginning of everything.

Without further ado, I want to share this piece with you, recorded with Love by my partner David & I - using grounding frequencies and my beloved shamanic drum. I invite you to listen to this meditation by preparing your space and holding yourself as safely as possible, because it does go deep. When you’re ready… tune in.

May you be guided by the inner body of Earth and yours.
May you be warmed by your Holy Fire.
May you be led to dance to the rhythm of your inner drum.


A note: this meditation is a piece that has been alchemizing inside of my Being for a very long time.
I will admit it feels very raw & vulnerable to put it out.

As much as it is now complete in this form, it still feels like a young seed, which will grow slowly into other areas of my work and how I guide others in their shamanic inner landscapes. As with everything else on this platform, I ask that you respectfully engage with this work and keep it safely within our inner circle. I share this all because it is important, because it is sacred, and also fragile. I want to create the right conditions for it to grow and be of service. I am counting on your support for that.

May this work support you in your personal journey.
I can’t wait to hear how this meditation makes you feel.


